Most men do not know what to expect on their first visit to the urologist. A lot of questions surface before their visit like is it going to be stressful? Are there any precautions I need to know? But it shouldn’t be! Your first visit to the urologist shouldn’t be anything scary, especially when you know these 3 things that you should expect before meeting your Phoenix Urology doctor. Let’s go over them one by one and discuss why you shouldn’t worry about anything.
You will be required to give a urine specimen
This one may or may not be common knowledge to everyone, but your first visit to the urologist will require a urine specimen. Because of this, it is heavily advised to not go to your doctor just yet when you have an empty bladder. Drink a glass of liquids or two before heading out so you wouldn’t be wasting time waiting for you to feel the urge of urinating. It’ll make everything go quick and smooth, and most important will avoid you and your doctor from encountering hiccups.
You will be asked for your medical history
It will mainly be about your genitourinary system, but any underlying or past diseases you may have had will also be asked for. Just be ready to fill out the form and remember any major illnesses you have had, especially when it is related to your genitourinary system. Be sure to also bring a list of all medications and over-the-counter tablets that you take or have taken as they will also be a requirement. If you find it difficult to remember or too time-consuming to make a list of your medicine, then bringing them along to the doctors isn’t a problem.
The physical and genital exam
This part of the visit is what some men dread. Some induce anxiety and stress over the fact that they will need to be naked in front of a stranger and that they would need to be examined on their genitalia, but it shouldn’t be this way! Remember that you are consulting with our doctors – Phoenix Urology professionals who have done these thousands of times with different individuals. It is totally okay to feel nervous at first, but it shouldn’t be the reason why you won’t pay your urologist a visit. It’s part of the process that cannot be skipped and you’ll just have to finesse your way through it.… Read the rest
Losing a loved one is not easy, especially when you also have to take care of the funeral arrangements. For most families, it is normal to wait until the last minute to start looking for a funeral home. However, the good news is that you can avoid all the last-minute rush by planning beforehand.
Why hire a professional?
Choosing a funeral home for you or a loved one is an emotional exercise. You need the support of your family, but also most importantly, the services of a professional funeral home service provider. The good thing about hiring a professional is that they know how to handle the remains of your loved one from scratch. They can also help you organise the memorial and celebrate your loved one’s life in a befitting manner.
Do your research
When choosing a funeral home, you should consider choosing one close to you. It should be a reputable one, with a team of professionals with expertise on how to run a funeral home and deal with families of the deceased. The internet is a great resource if you want quick results. However if you have a relative or close friend who has used the services of a funeral home before, you can ask them to recommend the one they used to you.
Contrary to common belief, funeral homes need not be expensive. Some funeral homes allow you to get on a pre-plan to enable you save for your funeral or that of a loved one before the time comes. This is a cheaper option than waiting for the last minute.
Consider cremation or traditional burial
If you reside in San Bernardino, you have many options when it come to dealing with the remains of your loved one. People are moving towards cremation lately, and finding a San Bernardino cremation service provider is easy if you know what to look for. It is also noteworthy that cremation is cheaper than traditional burial ceremonies.
Schedule a meeting
Once you settle for a San Bernardino cremation service provider, consider visiting their funeral home beforehand. This is the best opportunity to check whether the home is what you would want for yourself or your loved one. The team should be able to explain to you their processes and how they work on the daily. If you feel comfortable with their services, you can go ahead and hire them.… Read the rest
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed by most cosmetic surgeons using a special hyaluronic acid filler that is injected underneath the skin to correct minor nose imperfections. Although HA fillers give immediate results, these are only temporary, so the patient has to undergo this non-surgical procedure periodically (once or twice a year, depending on the filler used). However, with the use of a permanent filler, you can benefit from permanent results. Non-surgical permanent rhinoplasty is performed only by the best cosmetic surgeons in the nation like Dr. Robert Kotler MD, FACS who specializes in both surgical and non-surgical but permanent rhinoplasty procedures.
Called Silikon 1000, this permanent filler is formulated with medical-grade liquid silicone and it’s manufactured by the medical company Alcon Corporation, which specializes in the production of eye care products. Extensive clinical studies have shown that liquid silicone is well-tolerated by the human body. Silikon 1000 is FDA-approved for injections into the skin, after the area to be treated has been numbed. The success of this non-invasive and virtually painless procedure depends on the plastic surgeon’s expertise and experience, which is why a crucial step in assuring the outcome that you expect is to select the right cosmetic surgeon.
When you choose one of the most reputable, experienced, and best-reviewed board-certified plastic surgeons like Robert Kotler MD, nationally recognized as a surgical and non-surgical permanent rhinoplasty super-specialist with an impressive rhinoplasty portfolio, you can rest assured that you will benefit from picture-perfect, natural-looking, and permanent results as per your expectations. Dr. Kotler uses a super-fine needle and a specialized microdroplet technique to inject the permanent filler for a natural-looking outcome. Compared with surgical rhinoplasty, a non-invasive permanent nose job is not only a lot cheaper but also more comfortable for the patient, because the risk of post-surgery swelling and bruising is almost non-existent.
It should however be noted that patients who want smaller noses do not make good candidates for this non-surgical procedure because fillers cannot alter the turbinate’s of the nose ( these can only be corrected surgically). If you are considering a non-surgical permanent nose job and you want to take advantage of a saline demo to see how your nose will look like after the procedure, do not hesitate to set up a virtual consultation with Dr. Robert Kotler MD, FACS via Skype, FaceTime, or WhatsApp by calling 310-278-8721 or filling out the contact form on the famous LA plastic surgeon’s website where you can also learn more about this procedure.… Read the rest
Like every other part of your body, the discs of your spine are prone to degeneration and wear over the years. Repeated stress and physical damage all can easily cause these tough discs to become worn and painful. With enough degeneration, the discs can easily shift out of their proper location and squeeze key pieces of spinal anatomy. Luckily a combination of physical therapy and frequent physical activity can aid in assisting many who are suffering from back pain. However, it should be noted that in more severe cases that it is best to consider surgery in the form of artificial disc replacement.
There are typically two different types of surgery considered when it comes to the spine, spinal fusion, and an artificial disk replacement. Beverly Hills artificial disc replacement can easily have you feeling your best in little to no time. A fusion works by adjoining two different segments of the vertebrae together in attempt to stop any further shifting from occurring. This option isn’t the best for all cases though and that is where the disc replacement comes into the picture. Disc replacements are becoming increasingly common and surgeons are preferring to utilize that option instead.
There are an abundance of benefits that come with artificial disc replacement, especially when compared to the typical spinal fusion. Some examples of these fantastic benefits include a heightened amount of mobility. An artificial disc is designed with a normal spinal disc in mind and, as a result, it will enable patients to move as well as they were able to before their spinal issues popped up. The fusion will actually reduce mobility due to the fact that the vertebrate has been fused in multiple places.
When undergoing a surgery, everyone wants to know that they are in the very best hands possible and that the procedure is as safe as possible. Medical technology has rapidly approved over the years and has made procedures safer than they have ever been in the past. An artificial disc replacement is no different. They are very safe to have placed into the body and have been deemed to be very sturdy. This means that it is highly unlikely that the replacement disc will fail or have serious complications. This also significantly reduces the chances of additional; surgeries needing to take place again in the future. If you think that a spinal disc replacement may be the best option for you, consider reaching out to a local surgeon for Beverly Hills artificial disc replacement.… Read the rest
Cannabis is a revolutionary plant. A lot of products are made using the extracts from the cannabis plant. Topical CBD cream is one of the most useful cannabis-derived products. There are a lot of advantages associated with CBD creams. Some of these advantages are given here.
Pain relief
Cannabidiol is the main component of the CBD creams. It can diffuse into the skin and interfere with the working of nociceptors. Nociceptors are pain-sensing nerves that are present in the skin. Cannabidiol can interfere with the working of the pain receptors and relieve pain. Applying CBD cream on the skin can give localized pain relief.
Decrease inflammation
A lot of conditions that involve inflammation can cause a lot of trouble for humans. Arthritis is one of the inflammatory diseases. You can apply CBD cream on the joints to get rid of arthritis because CBD cream can decrease inflammation. Topical CBD creams can penetrate deep inside the joints. This ability to penetrate in the joints can help biologically active compounds act on the joint tissues. The redness and pain will also reduce when you use the CBD cream.
Relief from minor injuries
You can treat burns, bruises, bug bites, and other minor skin problems with these creams. Some of these creams have antibacterial properties. You should always check for the ingredients used to make these creams. Topical CBD cream can treat minor injuries if the right ingredients are used to manufacture it.
Allergy and psoriasis relief
Allergy is a condition that involves redness and itching of the skin. Psoriasis can be considered an advanced form of allergy. The person will have patchy and inflamed in the case of psoriasis. These creams can help in the restoration of the top layer of the skin. It has several alkaloids that can help the skin repair quickly after and psoriasis attack.
Improving the look of skin
Most of us have perfect skin at a young age. As people get old, skin starts to appear dull. Many creams are designed to improve the appearance of the skin. It is the target of the companies to achieve the same youthful skin. After the discovery of cannabis-based creams, many people are using it regularly to improve their skin. Extracts are made using cannabis extracting techniques. These extracts are mixed in the creams. The CBD creams have other moisturizing ingredients that make it extremely useful for improving the look of the skin.… Read the rest
Non-surgical rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as the nose-filler procedure, is an aesthetic procedure which involves administering an injection of filler ingredient such as; calcium hydroxyapatite and hyaluronic acid beneath the nose skin. The aim of this procedure is to temporarily change the structure and shape of the nose for a period of up to six months. The period to which the nose retains the new shape entirely depends upon one’s type of skin and the filler ingredient used. At, it costs between $650 and $2000 to get a nose-filler procedure done.
Purpose of nose-filler procedure
The dermal filler injections are inserted around the bridge, sides and tip of the nose areas which greatly define the shape of the nose. This procedure is more efficient for a person who wants to fill hollows to straighten the nose. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is done to add some mass to the nose, create an outstanding nose tip, gloss out bumps on the nose, raise the cusp of the nose and level the curves of the nose outlines.
Preparing for a non-surgical rhinoplasty
Before undertaking this procedure, the surgeon has a couple of routine measures and guidelines to follow.
A physical examination is done to establish the general physique of the nose. The doctor then asks questions about the interests and expectations of the patient to inaugurate whether the nose-filler procedure will be effective or the patient requires a surgical rhinoplasty.
The surgery team will then explain the benefits and risks associated with the procedure and possible outcomes of the process. The team will answer all questions from the patient.
The patient is then given one to two weeks before the procedure is done. During that period, one should avoid aspirin and ibuprofen. Doctors advise the intake of a lot of vitamin K to minimize the risk of bruising.
Once the patient is ready for the procedure, a numbing ointment is applied to the marked nose area where reshaping is supposed to be done The dermal filler commonly used is hyaluronic acid, read more at The dermal filler injections are then slowly infused into the marked areas. This procedure takes less than thirty minutes and change is observed instantly. Patients can even return to work the same day.
Risks associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty
This is somewhat a new procedure in the medical field and so, long term effects have not been studied in-depth. It is not a permanent procedure hence won’t be effective for people looking for long term results. The minor side effects are bruising and swelling which when taken care of well, go away within a short time.… Read the rest
Financial stability is one of the hardest and most difficult things to deal with. Everyone attains financial stability one way or another and this is why everyone strives for a successful and stable career. In this sense, you might need to look for help to achieve financial stability. This isn’t something to be ashamed of as everyone needs financial stability in their lives. The best thing you can do for yourself is to invest in your future and ensure that you get the financial stability and success you deserve. Without realizing it, a lack of financial stability can affect the entirety of your future.
Finding help for financial stability is how you can have a guaranteed future. By investing, you can let your money work for you instead of letting it just sit there- without anything happening. The reason why people choose to invest is it’s a guarantee to get the future you deserve. If financial stability is your goal, investment is the way to go. Seeking help for finances is a completely normal thing. In fact, you’ll find that everyone does it at some point in their lives. Without financial stability, your entire future is affected- your dreams, aspirations, and goals. Financial stability is the key ingredient to living a happy and content life otherwise, you’ll always be chasing after financial stability for the rest of your life. Stable finances are how you ensure you can give your family what they deserve.
In addition, you can get the financial freedom that you’ve always wanted. Financial freedom means never having to worry about your finances or being defined by your financial struggles. Imagine waking up, not having to worry about what you’re going through finances because you’re stable as it is. Imagine giving your family the life they deserve because you’ve attained where you intend to go financially.
There is a variety of help or sources you can seek financial stability from, wherever your location may be. is an example of where you can get help financially from as they are reputable in giving you financial freedom. You can get the help you need to give you financial stability, whether for yourself or for your loved ones. With, you don’t need to spend a single moment struggling financially as their services can help you turn your life around. They’re a knowledgeable and experienced team that knows what they’re doing in the financial sense.… Read the rest
For those who are new to the world of SMS marketing services and are looking to hire one, the entire process can seem like a maze.
How do you differentiate one service from another and find the best one for you? Is there any way to determine how successful you’ll be in advance? And just how do you set up your success criteria, anyway?
Fortunately, there are plenty of parameters that can be objectively evaluated, and you should definitely give textedly a thorough evaluation. To help, we’ll run through some of the most important ones here, and hopefully, this will give you the foundation to do any other essential research on your own.
Start with the number of annual text messages you’ll get, along with the number of free keywords. Free incoming text messages are important, too, as are message templates that can be altered as needed.
You should also look for a full-scale marketing solution that knows your business, and the company should also help you engage your audience as well as improve customer service and track tangible results.
Analytics and reporting capabilities are important, too. You need to know how your campaigns and keywords are performing, and you should know the specifics about contact list performance, too.
Good service like textedly should also allow you to automate your service and the reporting of results. This will give you the flexibility to analyze and improve your results, and this will, in turn, help you improve future campaigns.
Look for a complete list of contact management services as well. Old numbers need to be culled and eliminated, and if they’re not your campaign performance will be significantly diminished.
You need to be able to differentiate clearly to see what’s working, and the quality of a firm’s contact management process is what allows you to do this effectively.
In a different way, customization is just as important as automation. In today’s SMS marketing world, you need to be able to personalize messages, and you should also be able to capture as much essential information about your customers, too.
Your SMS marketing service should also function effectively in the mobile world. Companies like textedly offer multimedia messaging and scheduling features that allow you to pursue new clients and customers.
These are just a few of the features you should look for, and they’re all a part of the offerings at textedly. They’ll allow you to get the most out of your SMS marketing program, and increase your revenue and profits along the way!… Read the rest

A shower wheelchair is a great asset for anyone with limited mobility. It enables you to take showers safely and independently. But before purchasing a shower wheelchair, there are a few important characteristics one must consider such that they get the best product. Below are 3 of the most important characteristics.
Robust construction
One of the most important things to consider when buying a shower chair is its construction. You would not want a shower wheelchair that is rickety, wobbly or unstable. The goal is to shower safely and an unstable shower wheelchair would just do the opposite. When checking how robust a shower wheelchair is, consider its weight capacity. Shower wheelchairs come in a range of sizes depending on the needs of the user.
It is also important to consider the type of material that was used to build the shower wheelchair. The most common materials are aluminum, stainless steel, coated mild steel, and plastic. Let’s take a closer look at these materials.
- Aluminum – Aluminum is often very expensive. However, aluminum is lightweight and shower wheelchairs made from this material are usually rust-proof. This is very significant since showing involves a lot of humidity and moisture.
- Stainless steel – Shower wheelchairs made from stainless steel are quite economical. Plus, they have high corrosion resistance.
- Coated mild steel – Shower wheelchairs made out of coated mild steel are not very ideal as they rust easily after the coating wears down. And because the chair is constantly going to be exposed to moisture, the coating will wear down sooner than later.
- Plastic – Even though plastic shower wheelchairs are very lightweight, they are not very flexible and often do not have as many features as shower wheelchairs made out of the other materials mentioned previously. What’s more, plastic is not as sturdy as the other materials?
The perfect shower wheelchair should be portable and compact. It should not take up a lot of space when not in use.
In conclusion, before you buy a shower wheelchair, carefully consider all the sizes, materials, and brands available on the market. Every brand will likely offer their shower wheelchairs at different prices but price should be the last thing on your mind while you look for the perfect shower wheelchair. Quality, comfort, and usability should come first. If you are currently in search of the perfect shower wheelchair, is here for you. Our products are highly functional, affordable, durable, and high quality.… Read the rest
Everyone knows how easy it is to manage children, career, family, and social life in New York City without any help, right? Now, the kids are naturally the biggest priority. However, you have to work during the day. They also simply can’t come to every event. It could be rude to bring children to high-end events meant for adults, especially if it will run late. Generally speaking, the rule is that if the children are not specifically invited, it’s best not to bring them. This means you will need a nanny NYC to watch the kids during these times. Here are some tips to find the best nanny possible.
1. Check References
Every professional nanny should have references that they have previously worked for. Call the references and talk to the former employers about the candidate’s professionalism, relationship with the children, and safety/parental comprehension. The inability to speak with previous employers throws up a red flag. If this is the case, you may want to move on to the next option.
2. Quality Over Low Cost
We all must live within a budget. It’s a fact of life. Some of us don’t have as much in the budget available for a nanny. However, you should spend more for a high-quality nanny NYC instead of an inexperienced, unknowledgeable person who doesn’t cost as much. The unqualified person may not know what to do in the case of an emergency, and they won’t be able to motivate the children enough. If you can find it in your budget to spend a little extra on someone with more qualifications and personality, you should do it.
3. Have a Backup Ready
Any good parent knows that preparation is key. Even the most responsible and reliable nanny can have an emergency one day. You need to have someone else in mind to call for when this happens. This can be a family member, friend, or additional nanny. Just have backup options for when an emergency threatens to force you to cancel an important business meeting.
4. Have Them Meet the Kids
Before you hire a nanny, you should get some input from the people who will be spending the most time with them: your kids. Have the children meet the potential new nanny. They should probably also spend a couple of hours together. A quick meeting might not be long enough to get a sense of how well they will get along. Watch how they interact with the kids, so you can be comfortable that they all get along.
Getting a nanny in NYC is no easy task. However, if you follow these tips, you will find someone you can feel comfortable leaving your children with.
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